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Full Stack ASP.Net Core 8 and Angular 17 Web Developer Coding Bootcamp
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Installling VS 2022
Getting Started With VS 2022 - Static Web Site Using Plain HTML
Free Access To Prerequisite Courses
Day 1 - ASP.Net Core Web Development Coding Bootcamp
Day 2 - Creating Your First Portfolio And Bringing It Live
Installing SQL Server 2022
Day 3 - Introduction To RDMS An Create - Database - Table - Primary key - Unique Key - Identity Column - Default Value - Check Constraint
Day 4 - Data Types In SQL Server - Table Design Techniques
Day 5 - Foreign Key - Database Design Techniques - one to many - Many to many relation ship - Task
Day 6 - Database Design Techniques - Heart Of Db - Users And Roles
Day 7 - T-SQL - DDL - DML - Insert - Delete - Delete Vs Truncate - Update - Concurrency Control - Dummy Data Generation
Day 8 - Select - Aliasing - Derived Columns - Sorting(Order by multiple cols, Top) - Filtering(Where, in, not in, between, not between, is null, soundex)
Day 9 - Scalar Functions - String - Casting - Others - Mathematical - Aggregate - DateTime - Convert
Day 10 - Group By - Having - Inner Join - Outter Join - Left - Right - Full
Day 11 - Joining multiple tables - Selfjoin - Union(Set) - Simple Sub Queries(Scalar, Multi Valued) - Nested Sub Queries
Day 12 - Correlated SubQueries - CTE - Views On Single And Multiple Tables - Stored Procs With Input And Output Params - if else in Proc
Day 13 - Functions (Scalar - Table Valued) - Transactions (Try Catch) - Scope_Identity() - Triggers
Day 14 - Triggers(inserted and deleted Tables) - Maintan History Trigger - Script Database - Backup Database - Restore Database
Day 15 - Introduction to C# With Basic Operations - Type Casting - Nullable Types - All The Data Types
Day 16 - var Vs dynamic - Control Structures (if, if else, else if ladder, swith case default,for, while,do while) - Ternary Operator
Day 17 - for - foreach - Arrays - Arrays Methods(Sort, Reverse) - 2DArrays - sum Logic - max Logic
Day 18 - Jagged Arrays - Structures - Array Of Structures
Day 19 ( Part - 1 & 2) - Class, Fields, Methods, Object, Access Specifiers - Constructors - Default Constructor - Constructor Overloading - Param With Name
Day 20 - Static Polymorphism - two Uses this Keyword - Properties - Latest Style Of Writing Classes - Lambda Expression For Derived Property - Writting Methods with return types - Writting Classes in
Day 21 - Static (variables, constructors, methods, classes, properties) - namespaces - nested namespaces
Day 22 - Creating DLL - Using DLL - In Console and Windows - ExeVsDll -Net FW Vs Net Core - CLR - CTS
Day 23 - Call By Value - Call By Ref - Out Parameters - Passing Arrays as Parameters - Passing Objects As Parameters - Tuples - Returning Objects As Parameters
Day 24 - is-a/an Relationship - Inheritance - Generalization & Specialization - has-A Relationship - Association - Single Level - Multi Level - C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance
Day 25 - Constructor Chaining With base Keyword - Method Overriding - Other Use Of base Keyword - sealed method and sealed class - abstract method And abstract class - Runtime Polymorphism - Diagram C
Day 26 - interfaces - Multiple Inheritance - RealTime Implementation Of Interfaces - Dynamic Interfaces - Generic Interfaces - object Class - partial Classes - anonymous type
Day 27 - System.Collections - Stack, Queue & ArrayList - System.Collections.Generic - Stack, Queue & List - LINQ - Query Expression - Lamda Expression - Exception - try, catch and finally
Day 28 - Getting Started With EF Core 8 in 6 Easy Steps
Day 29 - Updating Database Structure (migration Commands) - Data Annotations - Class Design Techniques (1M and MM) - ProjectAndModules Design
Day 30 - Directory Structure Of Project - CRUD Operations In EFCore - Non Generic And Generic approaches - FirstOrDefault() - SingleOrDefault() - Intro To Eager Loading
Day 31 - Immediate Mode Vs Deferred Mode - IList Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryable - Iterator Design Pattern - Eager Loading (Include(),ThenInclude()) - Explicit Loading for multiple directly and indirectl
Day 32 - Auto Transactions - Manual Transaction - Scope_Identity Concept - Raw Sql - Stored Procedures - Intro To Fluent APIs - Layered Arch - FormsUI - Introduction To EF Core(Theory)
Day 33 - Repository Pattern
Free Access To Prerequisite Courses
Day 34 - Intro To Web APIs - Controller - Action - Parameter Passing Mechanism - Routing - Query String - CRUD With EF Core - Intro To Fluent API - Intro To GIT Copoilt AI - Fiddler:
Day 35 - CRUD With Fiddler Client - Web API Life Cycle (IIS, Kestrel Server) - HttpContext - HttpRequest - HttpResponse - StatusCode - ActionResult - IActionResult - ModelValidation - Asynchronous Act
Day 36 - Value Type - Ref Type - Dynamic Memory Allocation - new - Garbage Collection - Managed Resources - UnManaged Resources - Dispose() Method - using Resource - IDisposable Design Partern - Inver
Day 37 - Endpoints Explorer - http File - Swagger - Server Side Validations - Custom Validator - Solution To Circular Reference Problem With 2 solutions - JSON Serializer - XmlSerializer
Day 38 - Exception Handling At Action Level And Middleware Level - Authentication - ASP.Net Identity User Management -Initial Setup - 5 Steps - Securing Web API - User Registration - SignIn And SignO
Day 39 - Authorization - Assigning And Creating Roles Dynamically - JWT - Creating JWT - Validating JWT - MtoM Relation Controllers - Transactions - DTOs And ADOs Design Parttern - record Types
Day 40 - Getting Started With Angular 17 on VS 2022- Stand Alone Angular Project - app.component - app.module - Basic Terminologies
Day 41 - Two Way Data Binding - Method Calling on (click) Event - Adding A New Component - Directives (*ngIf) - new @if syntax - Directives (*ngFor) - the new @for() Syntax - Rendering JSON Data In Gr
Day 42 - Paging - Pipes(Search - Generic Search) - Sorting - Creating Web APIs - DAOs - FluentAPIs - Data Seeding - Database.Migrate()
Day 43 - HTTPClientModule - Calling API From Angular 17 - Creating Employee Component - Cascading Dropdown List With Grid - Delete
Day 44 - Delete Employee - Create Employee - Template Driven Forms - Server Side Validations - Exception Handling - debugging Angular Apps
Day 45 - Client Side Validation - Services In Angular - rxjs - Observable - Observer - Subscription - Operators - debounceTime - filter - retry - switchMap - map
Day 46 - Routing In Angular - Web Storage Or State Management - cookies - sessionStorage - localStorage - (Intoduction To Angular - Theory Part)
Day 47 - Intro To Live Project Short Story - Created DAL (DAO, Extending Identity User, async Repository DP, Unit Of Work DP) - Created SSAPI - State Management (AddSingleton(), AddTransient(), AddSco
Day 48 - Createing Agular 17 UI - Performing Initial Setup With Batch File (Components, Routing, Services, Models)
Day 49 - Complete Post Story Implementation With Reactive Forms - ViewModle - DTO - DAO (Mapping)
Day 50 - Complete Application Flow - Approve a Story - Read Approved Stories - Generic Search Filter
Day 51 - Configuring Authentication And Authorization On Server - Complete User Register Implementation With Dynamic css Class Binding
Day 52 - Complete Client Side Authentication And Authorization Implementation - canActivate - AuthGuard Service To Secure Routing
Day 53 - Complete JWT Authentication And Authorization Implementation - Interceptor Implementation - Category Implementation - Profile Pic Upload_copy
Day 54 - Creating Category Screen Flow - Loading Bar - Angular CSV File Download_copy
Day 55 - Ghraphical Reports - Pie - Bar - Charts_copy
Day 56 - appsetting File In Web API - Moving And Accessing ConStr And JWT From appSetting - Creating Roles And Admin At Runtime - environment File In Angular - Implementing Complete Google Login_copy
Installling VS 2022
Getting Started With VS 2022 - Static Web Site Using Plain HTML
Free Access To Prerequisite Courses
Day 1 - ASP.Net Core Web Development Coding Bootcamp
Day 2 - Creating Your First Portfolio And Bringing It Live
MS SQL Server 2022
Installing SQL Server 2022
Day 3 - Introduction To RDMS An Create - Database - Table - Primary key - Unique Key - Identity Column - Default Value - Check Constraint
Day 4 - Data Types In SQL Server - Table Design Techniques
Day 5 - Foreign Key - Database Design Techniques - one to many - Many to many relation ship - Task
Day 6 - Database Design Techniques - Heart Of Db - Users And Roles
Day 7 - T-SQL - DDL - DML - Insert - Delete - Delete Vs Truncate - Update - Concurrency Control - Dummy Data Generation
Day 8 - Select - Aliasing - Derived Columns - Sorting(Order by multiple cols, Top) - Filtering(Where, in, not in, between, not between, is null, soundex)
Day 9 - Scalar Functions - String - Casting - Others - Mathematical - Aggregate - DateTime - Convert
Day 10 - Group By - Having - Inner Join - Outter Join - Left - Right - Full
Day 11 - Joining multiple tables - Selfjoin - Union(Set) - Simple Sub Queries(Scalar, Multi Valued) - Nested Sub Queries
Day 12 - Correlated SubQueries - CTE - Views On Single And Multiple Tables - Stored Procs With Input And Output Params - if else in Proc
Day 13 - Functions (Scalar - Table Valued) - Transactions (Try Catch) - Scope_Identity() - Triggers
Day 14 - Triggers(inserted and deleted Tables) - Maintan History Trigger - Script Database - Backup Database - Restore Database
Day 15 - Introduction to C# With Basic Operations - Type Casting - Nullable Types - All The Data Types
Day 16 - var Vs dynamic - Control Structures (if, if else, else if ladder, swith case default,for, while,do while) - Ternary Operator
Day 17 - for - foreach - Arrays - Arrays Methods(Sort, Reverse) - 2DArrays - sum Logic - max Logic
Day 18 - Jagged Arrays - Structures - Array Of Structures
Day 19 ( Part - 1 & 2) - Class, Fields, Methods, Object, Access Specifiers - Constructors - Default Constructor - Constructor Overloading - Param With Name
Day 20 - Static Polymorphism - two Uses this Keyword - Properties - Latest Style Of Writing Classes - Lambda Expression For Derived Property - Writting Methods with return types - Writting Classes in
Day 21 - Static (variables, constructors, methods, classes, properties) - namespaces - nested namespaces
Day 22 - Creating DLL - Using DLL - In Console and Windows - ExeVsDll -Net FW Vs Net Core - CLR - CTS
Day 23 - Call By Value - Call By Ref - Out Parameters - Passing Arrays as Parameters - Passing Objects As Parameters - Tuples - Returning Objects As Parameters
Day 24 - is-a/an Relationship - Inheritance - Generalization & Specialization - has-A Relationship - Association - Single Level - Multi Level - C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance
Day 25 - Constructor Chaining With base Keyword - Method Overriding - Other Use Of base Keyword - sealed method and sealed class - abstract method And abstract class - Runtime Polymorphism - Diagram C
Day 26 - interfaces - Multiple Inheritance - RealTime Implementation Of Interfaces - Dynamic Interfaces - Generic Interfaces - object Class - partial Classes - anonymous type
Day 27 - System.Collections - Stack, Queue & ArrayList - System.Collections.Generic - Stack, Queue & List - LINQ - Query Expression - Lamda Expression - Exception - try, catch and finally
Entity Framework Core 8
Day 28 - Getting Started With EF Core 8 in 6 Easy Steps
Day 29 - Updating Database Structure (migration Commands) - Data Annotations - Class Design Techniques (1M and MM) - ProjectAndModules Design
Day 30 - Directory Structure Of Project - CRUD Operations In EFCore - Non Generic And Generic approaches - FirstOrDefault() - SingleOrDefault() - Intro To Eager Loading
Day 31 - Immediate Mode Vs Deferred Mode - IList Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryable - Iterator Design Pattern - Eager Loading (Include(),ThenInclude()) - Explicit Loading for multiple directly and indirectl
Day 32 - Auto Transactions - Manual Transaction - Scope_Identity Concept - Raw Sql - Stored Procedures - Intro To Fluent APIs - Layered Arch - FormsUI - Introduction To EF Core(Theory)
Day 33 - Repository Pattern
ASP.Net Core 8 Web APIs
Free Access To Prerequisite Courses
Day 34 - Intro To Web APIs - Controller - Action - Parameter Passing Mechanism - Routing - Query String - CRUD With EF Core - Intro To Fluent API - Intro To GIT Copoilt AI - Fiddler:
Day 35 - CRUD With Fiddler Client - Web API Life Cycle (IIS, Kestrel Server) - HttpContext - HttpRequest - HttpResponse - StatusCode - ActionResult - IActionResult - ModelValidation - Asynchronous Act
Day 36 - Value Type - Ref Type - Dynamic Memory Allocation - new - Garbage Collection - Managed Resources - UnManaged Resources - Dispose() Method - using Resource - IDisposable Design Partern - Inver
Day 37 - Endpoints Explorer - http File - Swagger - Server Side Validations - Custom Validator - Solution To Circular Reference Problem With 2 solutions - JSON Serializer - XmlSerializer
Day 38 - Exception Handling At Action Level And Middleware Level - Authentication - ASP.Net Identity User Management -Initial Setup - 5 Steps - Securing Web API - User Registration - SignIn And SignO
Day 39 - Authorization - Assigning And Creating Roles Dynamically - JWT - Creating JWT - Validating JWT - MtoM Relation Controllers - Transactions - DTOs And ADOs Design Parttern - record Types
Angular 17
Day 40 - Getting Started With Angular 17 on VS 2022- Stand Alone Angular Project - app.component - app.module - Basic Terminologies
Day 41 - Two Way Data Binding - Method Calling on (click) Event - Adding A New Component - Directives (*ngIf) - new @if syntax - Directives (*ngFor) - the new @for() Syntax - Rendering JSON Data In Gr
Day 42 - Paging - Pipes(Search - Generic Search) - Sorting - Creating Web APIs - DAOs - FluentAPIs - Data Seeding - Database.Migrate()
Day 43 - HTTPClientModule - Calling API From Angular 17 - Creating Employee Component - Cascading Dropdown List With Grid - Delete
Day 44 - Delete Employee - Create Employee - Template Driven Forms - Server Side Validations - Exception Handling - debugging Angular Apps
Day 45 - Client Side Validation - Services In Angular - rxjs - Observable - Observer - Subscription - Operators - debounceTime - filter - retry - switchMap - map
Day 46 - Routing In Angular - Web Storage Or State Management - cookies - sessionStorage - localStorage - (Intoduction To Angular - Theory Part)
Angular 17 + .Net 8 - Live Project
Day 47 - Intro To Live Project Short Story - Created DAL (DAO, Extending Identity User, async Repository DP, Unit Of Work DP) - Created SSAPI - State Management (AddSingleton(), AddTransient(), AddSco
Day 48 - Createing Agular 17 UI - Performing Initial Setup With Batch File (Components, Routing, Services, Models)
Day 49 - Complete Post Story Implementation With Reactive Forms - ViewModle - DTO - DAO (Mapping)
Day 50 - Complete Application Flow - Approve a Story - Read Approved Stories - Generic Search Filter
Day 51 - Configuring Authentication And Authorization On Server - Complete User Register Implementation With Dynamic css Class Binding
Day 52 - Complete Client Side Authentication And Authorization Implementation - canActivate - AuthGuard Service To Secure Routing
Day 53 - Complete JWT Authentication And Authorization Implementation - Interceptor Implementation - Category Implementation - Profile Pic Upload_copy
Day 54 - Creating Category Screen Flow - Loading Bar - Angular CSV File Download_copy
Day 55 - Ghraphical Reports - Pie - Bar - Charts_copy
Day 56 - appsetting File In Web API - Moving And Accessing ConStr And JWT From appSetting - Creating Roles And Admin At Runtime - environment File In Angular - Implementing Complete Google Login_copy
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