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Full Stack ASP.Net Core 8 MVC Web Developer Coding Bootcamp
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Day 1 - Introduction To 3 Layered Architecture
Day 2 - Introduction To RDMS An Create - Database - Table - Primary key - Unique Key - Identity Column - Default Value - Check Constraint
Day 3 - Data Types In SQL Server - Table Design Techniques - (Primary Key - Foreign Key) Relationship
Day 4 - Update And Delete Constraints On FK - Introduction To T-SQL - Insert - Delete Vs Truncate - Update (Last-In Win and Optimistic Concurrency Control)
Day 5 - Select - Aliasing - Derived Columns - Sorting(Order by multiple cols, Top)
Day 6 - Filtering(Where, in, not in, between, not between, is null, soundex) - Scalar String Function
Day 7 - ( Casting - Mathematical - Aggregate - DateTime ) Functions
Day 8 - Group By - Having Clauses - Joins - inner - left outer - right outer - full outer
Day 9 - The 3 Key Rules Of Database Design Techniques - Writing Join Queries On 3 or More Tables - Understanding Toy Stock Management SystemThe Complex Database Structure
Day 10 - Simple Sub Queries(Scalar, Multi Valued) - Nested Sub Queries - Corelated SubQueries - CTE
Day 11 - Views - DML On Views - Stored Procedures -With Input And Output Parameters -If Else And Else If Ladder
Day 12 - Functions - Try ... Catch - Transactions
Day 13 - Realtime Scenarios For Transaction - Scope_Identity() - Triggers Introduction
Day 14 - Triggers - Inserted and Deleted Temp Tables - Self Join - Union Concept - DB BackUp - DB Restore - DBScript - Db Design Tasks
Day 15 - Introduction to C# With Basic Operations - Type Casting - String Formatting - Debugging
Day 16 - Introduction To Data Types - var Vs dynamic - Control Structures - if else -else if Ladder
Day 17 - Switch Case Default - Lamda Expression - for Loop - do While Loop
Day 18 - Ternary Operator - Array - foreach Loop - 2D Arrays - Guess A Number Game
Day 19 - Structures In Depth - Methods - String Split
Day 20 - Object - Class - Fields - Methods - Access Specifiers - Public - Private - Constructors
Day 21 - Constructor OverLoading - Method OverLoading - Compile Time or Static Time Polymorphisim - this KeyWord - Optional Param By Setting Default Values - Naming Convention Instead of this keyword
Day 22 - static (variables-constructors-methods-classes) - use of dynamic variable - returing multiple parameters using (tuples-out Param-ananoymus Object -Object)
Day 23 - namespaces - nested namespaces - using concept - global namespaces - creating and using dll in Console And WinUI - internal and public classes
Day 24 - Theory Of .Net - Assemblies (exe and dll)
Day 25 - Single Level - Multi Level - C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance - protected Members - Method Overriding - two uses of base keyword - constructor chaining
Day 26 - sealed method - sealed class - abstract methods and class - Runtime Polymorphism Explained In Depth
Day 27 - Properties In Depth - Extension Methods - Object Class
Day 28 - Partial Classes - Interfaces - Collection Classes - Generic Collection Classes
Day 29 - Introduction To LINQ - Exception Handling InDepth
Day 30 - Getting Started With EF Core 8 in 6 Easy Steps
Day 31 - Updating Database Structure using Migration Files
Day 32 - DataAnnotations - Class Design Techniques - OneToMany And ManyToMany
Day 33 - CRUD In EF - First() Vs FirstOrDefault() Vs SingleOrDefault() - (IList Vs IEnumerable) Iterator Design Pattern - Navigation Property
Day 34 - Immediate Mode Vs Deferred Mode - IList Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryable - Iterator Design Pattern - Eager Loading (Include(),ThenInclude()) - Explicit Loading - Lazy Loading
Day 35 - Auto And Manual Transactions - RAW SQL with Custom Return Type
Day 36 - Raw Sql - Stored Procedures -Layered Arch - FormsUI - Repository Pattern
Day 37 - Introduction to Web Application And ASP.Net Core MVC (Theory)
Day 38 - Getting Started With ASP.Net Core Static Web Site And Integrating An Existing Free HTML Template (Need An Update on Aodio Quality)
Day 39 - Introduction To MVC - Initial Setup - Controller - Actions - Views - IActionResult
Day 40 - GetVsPost - Parameter Passing Mechanism - Razor View Engine - ViewData Vs ViewBag - TempData
Day 41 - TempData In Depth - Employee Form - HttpGet - HttpPost - Form Redesign WothHTML Helper Classes - Select List
Day 42 - Integrating EF In MVC - Data Seeding - Model Binding - CRUD operations (Read and Create)
Day 43 - CRUD operations (Update and Delete) - Tag Helpers - Form Validation (Server Side and client Side) - Custom Validator - Async Actions - Scaffolding - Bootstrap
Day 44 - ViewImports - ViewStart - Layout (Master Page)
Day 45 - Creating Project Structure To Get Started With MVVM
Day 46 - MVVM For One To Many Relationship
Day 47 - MVVM For Many To Many Relationship In Depth
Day 48 - GC - Managed and Unmanaged Resources- Dispose() - using - IDisposable - Dependency Injection
Day 49 - Introduction - To Authentication And Authorization - Configuration Of IdentityDbContext - Registration - Login - Logout - Authorize and AllowAnonymous
Day 50 - Authorization - User-IsInRole() - Dynamic Theme - jQuery Data Table - Sorting - Searching - Paging
Day 51 - Introduction To LinkHub Project - DAL - Extending IdentityUser - Fluent APIs - Repository Pattern
Day 52 - Creating MVC UI Project Setup - Injecting User Defined Objects (Transient, Scoped and SingleTone) - Async Repository Pattern - Unit Of Work
Day 53 - UI - Creating Areas - Full Project Flow Screens - Submit URL
Day 54 - Full Project Flow Screens - Approve URLs - Browse URLs - Tab Container
Day 55 - Implementing Authentication and Authorization - Register, Login and Logout - Get Logged In User - DropdownList Cascade
Day 56 - JQuery Based Ajax Calls CRUD - DataTable In Depth - Modal Popup - Approve All
Day 57 - Responsive Datatable - Exception Handling - Handling Page Not Found - appSettings Connection String - Creating Roles And Users Dynamically - Hosting Db And Project Live
Day 1 - Introduction To 3 Layered Architecture
MS SQL Server
Day 2 - Introduction To RDMS An Create - Database - Table - Primary key - Unique Key - Identity Column - Default Value - Check Constraint
Day 3 - Data Types In SQL Server - Table Design Techniques - (Primary Key - Foreign Key) Relationship
Day 4 - Update And Delete Constraints On FK - Introduction To T-SQL - Insert - Delete Vs Truncate - Update (Last-In Win and Optimistic Concurrency Control)
Day 5 - Select - Aliasing - Derived Columns - Sorting(Order by multiple cols, Top)
Day 6 - Filtering(Where, in, not in, between, not between, is null, soundex) - Scalar String Function
Day 7 - ( Casting - Mathematical - Aggregate - DateTime ) Functions
Day 8 - Group By - Having Clauses - Joins - inner - left outer - right outer - full outer
Day 9 - The 3 Key Rules Of Database Design Techniques - Writing Join Queries On 3 or More Tables - Understanding Toy Stock Management SystemThe Complex Database Structure
Day 10 - Simple Sub Queries(Scalar, Multi Valued) - Nested Sub Queries - Corelated SubQueries - CTE
Day 11 - Views - DML On Views - Stored Procedures -With Input And Output Parameters -If Else And Else If Ladder
Day 12 - Functions - Try ... Catch - Transactions
Day 13 - Realtime Scenarios For Transaction - Scope_Identity() - Triggers Introduction
Day 14 - Triggers - Inserted and Deleted Temp Tables - Self Join - Union Concept - DB BackUp - DB Restore - DBScript - Db Design Tasks
C#.Net Basic Programming
Day 15 - Introduction to C# With Basic Operations - Type Casting - String Formatting - Debugging
Day 16 - Introduction To Data Types - var Vs dynamic - Control Structures - if else -else if Ladder
Day 17 - Switch Case Default - Lamda Expression - for Loop - do While Loop
Day 18 - Ternary Operator - Array - foreach Loop - 2D Arrays - Guess A Number Game
Day 19 - Structures In Depth - Methods - String Split
C#.Net Object Oriented Programming
Day 20 - Object - Class - Fields - Methods - Access Specifiers - Public - Private - Constructors
Day 21 - Constructor OverLoading - Method OverLoading - Compile Time or Static Time Polymorphisim - this KeyWord - Optional Param By Setting Default Values - Naming Convention Instead of this keyword
Day 22 - static (variables-constructors-methods-classes) - use of dynamic variable - returing multiple parameters using (tuples-out Param-ananoymus Object -Object)
Day 23 - namespaces - nested namespaces - using concept - global namespaces - creating and using dll in Console And WinUI - internal and public classes
Day 24 - Theory Of .Net - Assemblies (exe and dll)
C# Advanced Object Oriented Programming
Day 25 - Single Level - Multi Level - C# Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance - protected Members - Method Overriding - two uses of base keyword - constructor chaining
Day 26 - sealed method - sealed class - abstract methods and class - Runtime Polymorphism Explained In Depth
Day 27 - Properties In Depth - Extension Methods - Object Class
Day 28 - Partial Classes - Interfaces - Collection Classes - Generic Collection Classes
Day 29 - Introduction To LINQ - Exception Handling InDepth
Entity Framework Core
Day 30 - Getting Started With EF Core 8 in 6 Easy Steps
Day 31 - Updating Database Structure using Migration Files
Day 32 - DataAnnotations - Class Design Techniques - OneToMany And ManyToMany
Day 33 - CRUD In EF - First() Vs FirstOrDefault() Vs SingleOrDefault() - (IList Vs IEnumerable) Iterator Design Pattern - Navigation Property
Day 34 - Immediate Mode Vs Deferred Mode - IList Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryable - Iterator Design Pattern - Eager Loading (Include(),ThenInclude()) - Explicit Loading - Lazy Loading
Day 35 - Auto And Manual Transactions - RAW SQL with Custom Return Type
Day 36 - Raw Sql - Stored Procedures -Layered Arch - FormsUI - Repository Pattern
ASP.Net MVC Core 8
Day 37 - Introduction to Web Application And ASP.Net Core MVC (Theory)
Day 38 - Getting Started With ASP.Net Core Static Web Site And Integrating An Existing Free HTML Template (Need An Update on Aodio Quality)
Day 39 - Introduction To MVC - Initial Setup - Controller - Actions - Views - IActionResult
Day 40 - GetVsPost - Parameter Passing Mechanism - Razor View Engine - ViewData Vs ViewBag - TempData
Day 41 - TempData In Depth - Employee Form - HttpGet - HttpPost - Form Redesign WothHTML Helper Classes - Select List
Day 42 - Integrating EF In MVC - Data Seeding - Model Binding - CRUD operations (Read and Create)
Day 43 - CRUD operations (Update and Delete) - Tag Helpers - Form Validation (Server Side and client Side) - Custom Validator - Async Actions - Scaffolding - Bootstrap
Day 44 - ViewImports - ViewStart - Layout (Master Page)
Day 45 - Creating Project Structure To Get Started With MVVM
Day 46 - MVVM For One To Many Relationship
Day 47 - MVVM For Many To Many Relationship In Depth
Day 48 - GC - Managed and Unmanaged Resources- Dispose() - using - IDisposable - Dependency Injection
Day 49 - Introduction - To Authentication And Authorization - Configuration Of IdentityDbContext - Registration - Login - Logout - Authorize and AllowAnonymous
Day 50 - Authorization - User-IsInRole() - Dynamic Theme - jQuery Data Table - Sorting - Searching - Paging
ASP.Net MVC Core 8 Live Project
Day 51 - Introduction To LinkHub Project - DAL - Extending IdentityUser - Fluent APIs - Repository Pattern
Day 52 - Creating MVC UI Project Setup - Injecting User Defined Objects (Transient, Scoped and SingleTone) - Async Repository Pattern - Unit Of Work
Day 53 - UI - Creating Areas - Full Project Flow Screens - Submit URL
Day 54 - Full Project Flow Screens - Approve URLs - Browse URLs - Tab Container
Day 55 - Implementing Authentication and Authorization - Register, Login and Logout - Get Logged In User - DropdownList Cascade
Day 56 - JQuery Based Ajax Calls CRUD - DataTable In Depth - Modal Popup - Approve All
Day 57 - Responsive Datatable - Exception Handling - Handling Page Not Found - appSettings Connection String - Creating Roles And Users Dynamically - Hosting Db And Project Live
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