Master Entity Framework Core 8: Build Database Applications Easily

Become a pro at EF Core 8 with this comprehensive course covering all the fundamentals and new features!

Course Summary

By the end of this course you will be in a position to implement the following

  • Getting Started With Entity Framework Core 2.0
  • Migrations And Database Updates
  • Class Designing Techniques
  • Data Annotations And CRUD Operations
  • Select Operations
  • Immediate Mode Vs Differed Mode
  • List Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryable
  • Eager Loading Vs Explicit Loading Vs Lazy Loading
  • Working with Raw SQL And Stored Procedures
  • Auto And Manual Transactions
  • 3 Layered Approach With .Net Standard Library

Note: As these are from a live recorded session you need to manage a little audio disturbances. Yes not much :)

Course Curriculum

Manzoor Ahmed Mohammed

Manzoor is a Microsoft Certified Trainer who has been working on MS .Net technologies for more than a decade. Apart from development he is also passionate about delivering training on various MS .Net technologies and he has 10+ years of experience as a software development teacher. He writes articles for code-project as well. His YouTube channel has 1 million hits. He is the founder of ManzoorTheTrainer portal.

"I focus on simplifying, complex concepts..." - ManzoorTheTrainer

Course Pricing

Paid Course

1999 INR

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