Learn JavaScript From Scratch

Lectures : 33 | Duration : 4 hours Access : Lifetime | Include : Source Code & PPT

Course Summary

Do you know that all the web client frameworks are based on JavaScript?

Like AngularJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, etc., So, now it is the time for you to not only build a strong base in JavaScript basic programming but also to understand the basics of object oriented programming using JavaScript.

Yes, the buzzword of the market that is TypeScript and AngularJS2+ are completely based on oops through the JavaScript.

When it comes to the passing data from a client to the server then JSON formatted data is the hero, which again reminds the object or collection of objects of JavaScript.

Now no way to escape from learning JavaScript, if you want to stick to web technology with any platform whether it is Microsoft or Java or PHP or anything else.

So, no worries! we made it dam simple for you to master it :)

Course Curriculum

Manzoor Ahmed Mohammed

Manzoor is a Microsoft Certified Trainer who has been working on MS .Net technologies for more than a decade. Apart from development he is also passionate about delivering training on various MS .Net technologies and he has 10+ years of experience as a software development teacher. He writes articles for code-project as well. His YouTube channel has 1 million hits. He is the founder of ManzoorTheTrainer portal.

"I focus on simplifying, complex concepts..." - ManzoorTheTrainer

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$10 USD

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